Dear Nigerian youth, welcome to power. At last, our Gen Z becomes the generation to claim a degree of power and able to get an arm of govt to make concessions, albeit still far from the target. With power, comes responsibility/expectations. Now the question is what next? #EndSWAT
Listen to this, whether you like it or not now, you will have to dialogue. Dialogue is both a language of protest, as it is of diplomacy. While you’re upset, and rightly so, you’re not tyrants. Without dialogue, everything could be seen as noise. The challenge is...

for a leaderless protest, how do you dialogue? Who represents you? And how do you hold them accountable? How do you ensure that the sacrifices made so far are not in vain? How do you ensure that the youth remain at the forefront of it? I’ll come to that shortly. Firstly,
Understand these 5 principles of dialogue (or negotiation)
1. Think win-win; not win-loss
2. Understand interests, and know yours
3. Constantly put proposals that benefit the youth forward
4. See sooner faster; be 1 step ahead
5. Not everyone is an enemy; Identify allies
So back to the question, who represents or dialogues on your behalf?

These are my ideas. Feel to refine them. They’re not perfect and you don’t have to listen to me or accept my suggest. After all, I’m not in your generation 😀
1. Democratize/decentralize the process;
2. Throw up the names of those that you trust who started this protest and have been in the trenches with you so far, on and offline
3. Possibly set up an online voting platform
4. Select top 4-5, from the result of no 3 above
5. Entrust them with your mandate

6. Demand that meetings are live streamed so all Nigerians can watch
7. Demand transparency at all times.
8. No protest should ever be called off until the Nigerian young people agree with the resolutions.
9. Whatever you do, don’t collect govt money for anything

While all the fun, food and music are great, there are some things to do in order to keep the main thing, the main thing (staying focus). These things must begin now!

1. At the end of everyday, in the same decentralized manner that protest has been organized so far,

check if the objectives of the protest have been met.

2. If yes, set up an online monitory platform to monitor the implementation of what’s agreed (either from the dialogues or by an announcement), and announce a timeline for returning to the streets, if any is broken. #EndSWAT
3. If no, protest continues.

This is my 2 cents. Haven been burnt by at least 2 major protests in Nigeria, because we were not proactive and strategic, I owe it to God, to ensure that you all don’t experience the same pain and agony that we all have experienced.

In the meantime, I’ll continue to provide the usual daily advice and guide from the sideline and will be out again to join you like I did earlier on. I stand with you and I fully support this cause.

May God bless you all and may God bless the Federal Republic of Nig.

You can follow @KolaOyeneyin.
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