Make sure to stock up your pantry before election day
My go to pantry food is spaghetti. Why? Cheap. Never expires. High in calories and carbs. Pasta sauce or butter or whatever you can throw on it.

You need to be able to extend your meat as far as possible
Beans are great as they are cheap and never expire either. Beans are also high in protein!
We've been getting a lot of rice as well. Rice is like pasta. Cheap, easy, add it to any and everything, high in calories.
Obviously spam for obvious reasons
Country gravy with sausage has been good because it has high calories and some meat in it. Usually cheap but sometimes hard to find
Ramen noodles in the stove packs. God forbid you have to camp all you need is boiling water to make it. Same with pasta and rice
Stuffing mix and hamburger helper is good. Its another thing that's cheap but extends meats.
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