It's important for Canadians to remember: Indigenous people were willing to share our lands with you. We only asked that you let us keep our ways, our languages, our children--and that you be responsible to the lands and waters, since we ALL rely on them.

Canada has refused.
What's more: by not worrying about the state of the lands, water and air, your Canadian leaders are showing they don't care for you or your children at all. They only care about helping big oil and gas companies, mining companies, extractive capitalism.

Why must we all suffer?
And for what? For the billionaires to gobble up even more of our world's finite resources? For the billionaires to have offshore accounts where they don't pay their fair share of taxes while racist white folks yell about Indigenous people who do pay taxes? How does this help you?
EVERY SINGLE ACTION that *EVERY LEVEL* of Canadian government has been making in the midst of this global pandemic has shown they don't actually care about our survival. So why are we invested in their political survival? Why are we putting our faith in those who always fail us?
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