
reasons to stay
5sos edition
the no shame tour is coming up! even if you don’t have tickets, imagine all the content, tour diaries, live versions of all of the songs off calm and the boys instagram stories. it’ll be so fun regardless of if you have a ticket or not!
superbloom comes out in less than two weeks! ashton poured his heart and soul into this album and i know for a fact he wants you to stay and listen. imagine all the excitement you’ll feel on release night when you finally get to listen to all the songs for the first time!
ash said it himself, he wants you to stay.
5SOS5 is in the making! you’ll get to pick a favorite song, a favorite solo, a favorite live version. think of how cool the album cover will be! we’ll get a bunch of promo/interviews too! i know they all want you to listen!
think of all the excitement you’ll feel when calum comes home! how excited you’ll get when we finally get to see his face and (hopefully) his curls!
imagine all the excitement you’ll feel when luke comes home!! how long do you this his hair is? do you think he dyed it again?
michaels wedding is coming up soon! imagine how happy he’ll look as crystal walks down the aisle. all the wedding pictures, the outfits and the first dance! oh and hopefully southy and moose as the ring bears:)
imagine giving all of them a hug and telling them all how much they’ve done for you, how they’ve saved your life.
calum loves you
michael loves you
ashton loves you
luke loves you
i love you. you’re so vaild. i’m so proud of you, i know the boys are too. just stay for me okay? i know it can be tough but please stay.
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