tw // trump, rape

I hate when ppl say they're not gonna vote like bruh idgaf if you dont like either of them, trump is fucking worse and if you're not a straight cis white man, you're fucked if we have another four years with that piece of shit.

I will literally move to Mexico+
+if that happens because as a trans bisexual Hispanic man, i probably won't survive and neither will the u.s. this guy puts my people in fucking cages and is gassing them + forcibly removing Mexican women's uteruses. not to mention, trump is a fucking rapist. also, his vp mike+
+pence is such a homophobe, who knows what he'll do or try to do to people who are in the LGBTQ+ community.

besides, all these deaths in the United States because of the COVID-19 could have been fucking PREVENTED if he wasn't such a dumbass. Trump is not capable of handling+
+this pandemic and we just need to get his ass out of office.

please, if you're in the United States and 18 or over, vote for Joe Biden and get trump out.

the lives of POC, women, and LGBTQ+ people depend on it.
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