Y’all are being toxic so I might aswell bring some love to this incredible character

Spider-Man appreciation thread:
Tobey Maguire -

His interpretation of Peter Parker changed everything. It’s what we all grew up with - seeing our hero for the first time on the big screen taught us that even hero’s suffer a lot, but putting people ahead of ourselves is important. There is a hero in all of us..
Andrew Garfield -

His interpretation isn’t the most beloved, but we still appreciate what he has done. He taught us all actions do have consequences, but even after all of that he’s still able to put on that mask. Things will get better, we just need to hold on to hope!
Tom Holland-

His incarceration is what this generation will grow up with. He taught us to be ourselves and even when you want to do what’s best for yourself, what’s best for others is far more heroic. If you’re nothing without the suit, then you shouldn’t have it
In conclusion: All Spider-Men are incredible in their own way and just because you disagree with one person doesn’t mean your opinion is automatically facts. They all mean different things to different people and I think THAT is what’s special. I can’t wait to see all them return
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