How to make me break out in a cold sweat:

Send me an unprompted DM on work chat that just says "hey"
Tip for any time you need to send a work message:

Leave as little mystery as possible.

I've been called to meetings that sounded like layoffs but were actually bonuses, and ones where I had "nothing to worry about" that preceded firing.

I have PTSD. Don't fuck around with me.
Instead of "Do you have time for a quick chat?" say "Do you have time time to go over [specific topic]?"

Instead of "quick sync" for a meeting title, write "Discuss [topic] and find solutions"

This goes fucking quadruple if you're talking to a new hire or a junior
If you're someone with seniority over the person you're talking to, remember that they're going to fucking panic if you call them into a meeting room with no advance notice

The power dynamic makes people incredibly nervous regardless of how approachable you think you are
This thread isn't to call out anyone specific, by the way; I was about to send a message over work chat earlier and I had to stop myself from going "hey" and instead wrote out a full message
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