TW/ stupidity, clownery
TS x AG might be coming but it's my dumbass theory okay so let's start, remember when Taylor posted a selfie and captioned it with "not a lot going on at the moment" on 04/27 as a teaser (at that time we didn't know) of folklore? Ariana teased AG6 on 09/14
there are 24 weeks 2 days between these dates, 24-2=22, and here shit gets serious. remember when john cena posted 22 Taylor pic out of nowhere with no caption? we still don't know why he did that BUT
you might think it's a reach, anyway, john cena was born in 1977, 1+9=10, 7+7=14, 10/14, the day ariana announces her new album AG6
back in rep era taylor liked this, today ariana liked a tweet of user with taylor's avi lol
reach or not, gurl said there was not a lot going on at the moment while she was deadass making a new album, some insiders also said a collab (not folklore related) with a female artist is coming, we'll see, taylor's been so quiet lately
anyways AG6 is coming, stan tayriana
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