The worst type of ppl are those ppl who take something,twist it out of context and bully someone over it with a big gang of ppl
Ignore the victims points and just reply with false accusations
Disregard how the person might be feeling all over something that didn’t deserve it+
Now of course there’s times when it’s deserved but I’m talking about when the person did literally nothing wrong
And if ur one of the ones who just blindly believes and joins in with attacking without even attempting to listen or if u do and realise they might be in the right
But still refuse to acknowledge that simply because u don’t want to admit ur wrong fuck u
This is how ppl get attacked sometimes for doing nothing
Ppl r too afraid to go against the larger group of ppl attacking and so they join them and it builds from there and gets worse
Don’t just fcking listen to the first person that tells u their side this isn’t fcking among us
Listen to both povs and make an informed decision Cuz attacking someone who doesn’t deserve can have real consequences
There’s always two sides
Just remember it can happen to anyone
Anyone can be falsely accused and attacked so before u just jump someone think about it
Cuz If it happens to u you’ll wish u had
This isn’t aimed at anyone on here I just wanted to rant cuz some things I’m hearing about don’t sit right with me and I’m tired of this toxic mindset
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