1. Request for advice thread. When clients come out to me about being trans or non-binary, I’ve been asking them a few questions.
2. Mainly, asking what their pronouns are (and making sure to note that in their file), asking if they have a new name, and asking if they would like me to let the court know their new name. Also letting them know I can assist with getting their names and he set markers changed.
3. This is important because LGBTQ+ young people are still, in the year 2020, being rejected by their families of origin AND by foster families.
4. As a result, these young people end up disproportionately court-involved. Which is not good for them, and is a waste of court resources. (And taxpayer resources if you care more about money than about the suffering of children.)
5. All of this to set up my questions: what questions would you add so that I can better serve these clients?
6. I hope I don’t have to say this, but this is intended to be trans and non-binary-affirming so if you plan to be hateful toward these kids on this thread, don’t.
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