Astro thread New moon in Libra will happen on 16 October 2020
This will take place in the via obscura which means it isn't a good new moon for manifesting
Mars will be opposing the moon and saturn and jupiter will be squaring the moon so like I said not the time to manifest new things
Venus will be in fall and jupiter is in detriment not great for manifesting either
There is a cardinal T square in Libra Capricorn and Aries so this is really intense and challenging
Whenever there's alot of energy in the same modality I always look at the sign that's missing
Modality = fixed, cardinal and mutable
This time cancer is the sign that's missing so that is our clue for how to work with this energy
Cancer = how are you nurturing yourself how are you taking care of your emotions are loving yourself and providing yourself with the nourishment you need
Cancer = being your own home and coming home to yourself
Check in with yourself and how certain things make you feel
Look at how you've changed over the past few months where you currently in your life? Where do you want more discipline and control in your life?
Are you building walls around yourself? Sit with your discomfort are you feeling unseen, unheard and unlovable? Sit with the frustration be frustrated be angry as long as you don't lash out at other people
Give yourself a pat on the back for how far you have come it's okay to feel powerless at times Acknowledge the dark shadow parts of yourself so you can work through it
Patience is very important because it will feel like you've hit a wall Be cautious be consistent Give yourself permission to be human and to fail and try again
Don't push yourself too hard take breaks Dig deeper into your strengths and weaknesses Do introspection of how you act in relationships
All the things you've been ignoring and thought you could hide from are going to have to be confronted you can't hide from yourself forever
You will realize that all of connections in your life are no longer serving you and that it needs to go unfortunately
This new moon will expose who has your best interests at heart and who is actually a true friend You might realize that your values have changed and that these people no longer align with your new values and it's better to go your separate ways
Romantic and platonic relationships will be re examined and you might realize that it isn't in alignment with your highest good
You need to find balance within yourself and take care of yourself and do alot of inner work You need to reserve energy for your own growth Look within yourself to find the answers Connect with yourself why am I unhappy or happy when I'm around this person
Are you selling yourself short? Are you settling for less than what you deserve?
You are going to let go of alot of things You can't keep doing the same thing and expecting different results no my baby no You are done with that been there got the t-shirt
Are your relationships mutually beneficial? Are your exchanges with others bringing good things in to your life?
Only exchange energy and interact with people who are aligned with your highest self
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