So you're on Twitter Dot Com and you want to build and sell a product/service?

Here's a little thread on how to do market research and validate your ideas

(so you don't waste your precious time building something people don't want)

Alright, disclaimer

If you're one of these dorks who's going to read this thread a be like


Stop now and go somewhere else
Alright, cool, now that we got that out of the way

First thing you're going to need is...

Guess what?


Here's a thread about audience building
Alright, now that you got your audience and your BIG product idea

I want you to get in the frame of mind of

1 - "Who do I want to help?"

2 - "What are these people struggling the most with?"

3 - "How can I help this specific group of people?"
First thing you're going to do is ask questions about your target audience

And you can frame them like this
Why? Let's talk about this particular example

Most people there consider themselves entrepreneurs

Also, most people are dying to give their take on a topic that interests them or is relatable to them

Framing questions like this is free market research
Okay, now that we've seen that people have these pain points

Second thing you need to do is to validate your idea

Let's say you want to help "ADHD" induced entrepreneurs improve their focus

Make a tweet like this...
"If you're an entrepreneur struggling with focus right now, send me a DM, I'll help you out."

Something like this.
You can expect some DMs

Third thing you're going to do is hop on calls with these people

And you will provide them your solution and your framework

You will also do it for free (and take as much time as needed)
Remember, we're in the market of helping people


The goal here is to provide help and clarity for minimum 3 calls

If you can do this on 3 calls and after you provided them your recipe/framework, they feel enlightened and have clarity on what to do next
Congratulations, your idea is validated

You can now build your product/service, create your offer and put it in front of your audience

Maybe I'll make a thread on how to do that, who knows

Hope you enjoyed
You can follow @YouActualized.
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