One of 3 cardinal sins in the Torah, Idolatry!

Imagine having such profound hatred for a group of people who may differ in faith with you...

A few verses and comments on pagans and idoltry in Judaism below...

A mini - thread:-

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“For three days before pagan festivals it was forbidden to have any business dealings with pagans. It was forbidden to sell articles to pagans before their festivals which they might use in idolatrous worship, for example, fir‑cones, white figs, frankincense, or a white cock”
- From verses 1.1 and 1.5 of the
“Mishnah Tractate Avodah Zarah.”

Anyway, (4.1) Merkolis says ,

“It was strictly forbidden to cast a stone at a Merkolis (4:1), which appears to have been a pillar to Mercury, the Roman equivalent
of Greek Hermes....
who was the patron deity of travelers and at whose shrine the grateful passers‑by cast a stone.”
“It is stated (4:7) that the Jewish elders were asked in Rome why God does not destroy idols if he hates them so. To this the elders replied that men worship the sun, moon, and stars and God refuses to destroy the world He has created “because of fools.”😕
“If, on the other hand, He were to destroy only those idols for which the world has no use, this would confirm the worshippers of the idols that were not destroyed that these alone had power....”

Just some of the verses of ‘Mishnah Tractate Avodah Zarah.’

And today, we see Indians, particularly Hindus who are ready to fight for the State of Israel, who see Israel as ‘iron brothers.’

Again,they are supposed to be strategic friends! No religion theoretically differs more from each other than Hinduism and Judaism!

Such a shame!🤦🏻‍♂️
Cc:- @porbotialora.

Above are some examples of Judaism strictly being against Idolatry and Paganism. Please do share so that others get to know more about it and not blindly support them!🤦🏻‍♂️😭
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