have been observing more focus groups (of converts to the idea of breaking up the UK) - a couple of observations perhaps worth sharing

it’s remarkable the extent to which people are willing to give the SNP (effectively Nicola Sturgeon) the benefit of the doubt - when irrefutable economic facts are put in front of them (the Scottish Government’s own data), these are the sort of reactions we hear:

“i’m sure somebody else could supply another set of figures” (“aye, definitely”)

“if those numbers were true, why would she [Sturgeon] want us to leave?”

“if she [Sturgeon] didn’t think she could make it work, she wouldn’t be pushing for it”

“just don’t think that [GERS figures] is happening”

“don’t believe the figures”

“there must be a reason, there must be a plan hidden away somewhere”

“no way someone [Sturgeon] would push for this [independence] if they didn’t have an answer”

“England would get rid of us if it [fiscal transfer] was true”

“there must be a plan”

“ach yes, I’m sure we’d have been able to afford it [furlough scheme] even if we were independent”

“there’s already a Scottish pound, we’ll just keep using it”

so what?

1. people need to be better informed - this isn’t about propaganda, it’s about education and information

2. people need to remember that for Sturgeon independence transcends all - she’ll push for it even if it causes untold economic misery

(she’s a scorpion, it’s in her nature)


it’s not just about the numbers, but even those who are emotionally “sold” on independence clearly need to convince themselves that it will be economically OK - the SNP can’t be allowed to bluff their way through this
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