tw // eating disorder
i can’t find my old thread on this subject so here’s why you should tw food when asked, coming from someone with an ed who personally does NOT need a tw for it but i’m simply not an asshole who polices other people’s triggers!
lets start with an incredibly simple concept. if somebody asks you to tw something that you don’t understand or that you don’t need, do you just say no? say its invalid? for example, i need a tw for pics and vids of towels. are you going to tell me thats weird and dumb?
well maybe, if you lack compassion. but i’m going to assume you are not that type of person. and even if you slip up on occasion and forget, i’m going to assume it was unintentional and you still respect my trigger.
so how about this argument that “well eating should be normalized so putting a tw enforces the harmful mentality for ppl with eds that eating is wrong and bad” okay, yeah i can see your point. but a lot of “normal” things are triggers for people.
another example, i need a tw for vomit. even mentions of it. thats a normal thing that most people experience somewhat regularly. its a normal part of life and just comes with being a human. but its triggering for me. so i need a tw for it.
i have an eating disorder, but food does not trigger me. that doesn’t mean i’m going to invalidate someone elses trigger. its kind of shocking how some of you don’t see it like that
if you are going to simply refuse to put a tw for food when asked, hardblock me. i really don’t care how close we are, this is basic respect to me
also, lets not forget, there is other trauma related to food that is not connected to having an ed.
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