Someone asked me if I really think they are going to come for IVF, and my honest answer is no. While there are some genuinely toxic beliefs about it, WAY more people than you know have utilized it. Pence and the second lady, for example.
One in eight women have struggled with infertility. IVF is, due to lack of affordability, most utilized by upper middle class and wealthy folks; folks with resources to continue to receive them regardless. Tourism IVF is already a thing.
I was looking at Jamaica seriously if the round that resulted in Weeologian had not worked. People will find a way, like with abortion, but they shouldn’t have to, like with abortion. Whether or not actions are taken ww must push back on these harmful ideologies.
Finally, your reminder to never, ever say to someone undergoing IVF “Why don’t you just adopt?” Ever. I assure you we are aware adoption exists, and we don’t owe you a conversation and don’t want unsolicited advice.
I had someone “jokingly” suggest to me that I should adopt because it would, in their opinion, increase my likelihood of conception “my real baby.” That’s the kind of garbage you keep between your ears.
I apologize for the typos; I was trying to multitask.
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