I think this Reddit comment from someone who worked at CD Projekt Red is worth sharing, especially since folks out there still think their overtime is limited to 48 hours a week. I can confirm they used to work at CDPR (just got off the phone with them): https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/j87tuk/jason_schreier_i_asked_a_couple_of_cdpr_devs_if/g8bxk68/
"I personally had a blast working there until they decided the only way to finish the game was to do the death march," this person told me. I've heard this sentiment from a few people. (I've also heard it said about Naughty Dog and a couple other game companies)
BTW every time I talk about this I know I'm going to get hundreds of nasty messages and misguided people trying to debunk or wave off this reporting. Whatever. Crunch culture at CDPR is very real, and no matter what you've read, it's not just limited to 48 hours a week
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