Law students. Try to get, or keep, some physical fitness routine. Because law school will have you out of shape. Let me tell you...
I was walking and talking to my Admin Law Professor. She takes the stairs to her office. Once we got to the third floor, I was losing breath. Halfway up to the 4th I asked to take a break.
I was huffing and puffing. Face red. Alldat. She looked at me and with a concerned tone, she asked “are you alright?”

Me, breathing hard: no Professor *********. I am severely out of shape.
Moral of the story: you ain’t gotta be a model, but get some kind of physical activity in on a daily or else you’ll embarrass yourself like I did.
I thought I was done with this thread, but I’m not... Unfortunately, law school def caused me to gain about 25-30lbs during my final year. Stress, lack of time management, and a sedentary lifestyle. My workout was walking around campus. But....
My 3L year, I was the SBA President. At our annual Student Potluck with the Dean, I was getting ready to go to the podium to speak after the Dean. And right before I went up...
I dropped my phone, and bent over to pick up. *insert ripping sound*

Yup! My pants ripped as soon as I bent over to get my phone. No one saw it but my VP. She tried hard to keep a straight face.

Luckily, she went and grabbed my coat so I can put it on cover up.
Again, moral of the story: some daily physical activity aside from waking throughout campus will save you later embarrassment.
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