quote this with something you desperately wish you’d been taught in sex ed. plz keep it relatively SFW and for the sake of everyone’s dignity, we all agree to believe that anything mentioned here was learned from the internet and not the hard way.
as always i will temporarily open my DMs for anon submissions, please don't make me regret this
bless this man
oh god yes this
since we're all here https://twitter.com/BISHSexEd/status/1316436139629326338?s=20
a LOT of this going around. Condoms come in many materials but make sure you know what lubes work with which!
The cut off part of this message says that it was an all girls school in the UK
This is extra funny to me because rimming is depicted in like, a NUMBER of medieval illuminated prayer books
I was like wow this sounds familiar and I did some stalking and lol we did sex ed in the same state
this has been submitted multiple times so, if you have a vagina,


(to reduce UTI risk)
Sorry I missed coming out day but for the rest of the class, I am a grey ace! Asexuality is a thing! So is aromanticism whilst we’re here!
Also, mental health issues can be a disability and all of these can but don’t necessarily interact with sexuality. People with disabilities have sex! It’s okay! Sometimes the disability affects the sex! That’s also okay!
Polyamory/ non-monogamy also exists!
one of the midwives I know has asked me to add in: by the time you pee on a stick and it comes back positive, you've missed the crucial window for folate levels, which affect fetal neural dev. if you're having P+V sex and you aren't on birth control, you should be on folic acid.
Also, as I learned from @vagina_museum, it can bleach your underwear! I was 27 when I learned that’s what’s happening. It’s normal!
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