A thread on #BreastCancerAwareness
Breast cancer is now the most common cancer in women in India.
In western countries 1 in 8 women develop breast cancer.

In India with increasingly urban lifestyle choices we are fast catching up at alarming rates.
In India, 1 in 22 women in a city like Bangalore and 1 in 80 women in rural areas go on to develop breast cancer.

But what also needs to be remembered is that despite the increasing incidence, the death rates are rapidly declining due to advances in treatment and screening.
Most common risk factors are related to Estrogen exposure like onset of menses before 13 years or a late Menopause, Consumption of contraceptive pills for prolonged duration, Nulliparity or not having children, late pregnancies after 30 years or breast feeding <1 year.

15 % of breast ca are hereditary.
If your one 1st-degree relative(mother/daughter/sister) has breast ca, you are 2 times likely to develop breast ca(if 2 1st degree relatives then 3 times)
Obesity, sedentary lifestyle, smoking & excessive alcohol intake also increase risk.

Breast Ca is curable when detected early.
The simplest way to ensure seeking timely help is Breast Self Examination (BSE).
Every woman should have a clear knowledge of how her breasts look & feel normally.


Please watch this video

BSE is suggested for women above 20 years of age.
BSE can be learnt by seeing any youtube videos & it takes just 5 mins.
The purpose is that you learn what is normal for one’s breasts & as soon as a change or something abnormal is felt, one can seek medical attention promptly 6/
Breast cancer screening is a way in which women who have no symptoms of breast cancer undergo tests to look for early signs of cancer.
The main test used to screen for breast cancer is a special kind of X-ray called a "mammogram."
The goal of breast cancer screening is to find cancer early, before it has a chance to grow, spread & cause problems.
Those with family history may start Mammograms at 40 years & average risk women may start at 50 years once a year or once every 2 years

A lump in breast or underarm that doesn’t go away is often the first symptom of breast cancer. Your doctor can usually see a lump on a mammogram long before you can see or feel it. Swelling in armpit or near collarbone may also be felt.
Cancerous lumps are usually painless. Difference in the size, contour, texture, or temperature of breast or nipple maybe seen.
There can be back or leg pain, abdominal pain, nausea, jaundice, shortness of breath or cough if it has spread to other organs.
Once there is a suspicion of breast cancer after a Mammogram or Ultrasound, the confirmatory test for any cancer i.e an FNAC or core needle biopsy is done.
These are simple tests where a needle is inserted inside the lump to pick tissue that is assessed by a pathologist.

A biopsy is preferred as it gives more material which gives us more information on the type of breast cancer based on expression of Hormone or Her2 receptors. These markers influence prognosis and are used to individualize treatment options.

Once Cancer is confirmed, staging tests like Xray/ CT scan & a bone scan or a whole body PET CT to know the size of the tumor & whether the cancer is localized to breast only or has spread to the armpit or to other parts of the body e.g. bones, liver or lungs are done.

Based on stage, grade, hormone receptor status & general health individualised treatment sequence is planned for every patient.
Patients with stage 1/2/3 need Surgery, either before or after chemotherapy. Only a part of the breast or entire breast is surgically removed.

Chemotherapy to kill breast cancer cells may be given before surgery to shrink the tumor & make surgery easier or after the surgery to prevent or postpone cancer from coming back .
Radiotherapy uses ionizing radiation to kill cancer cells, is given generally after surgery.

Hormone therapy in the form of tablets is given in patients with hormone receptor positive cancers to slow the growth of cancer or prevent the cancer from coming back.
Targeted therapy has prolonged lives by 3-5 years even in last stage of cancer.

Maintain healthy lifestyle, exercise regularly, avoid smoking, breastfeed children>1year, do BSE every month & do not feel embarrassed or hesitate to get your breasts examined by your doctor.
Timely treatment can ensure cure.

#BeAware #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth #BSEsaveslive
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