This is horrendous - 5 (possibly 6) women assaulted in Belfast by one man over a 90 minute period, and women warned to not go out alone at night.
It's 40 years since the women of Yorkshire and Greater Manchester were warned "do not go out at night unless absolutely necessary and only if accompanied by a man you know."

It can't be another 40 before we never need to hear of another curfew of women.
"Curfew the men" said the women of Bradford in 1980, "we are sick and tired of being told not to walk alone"
An Ipswich woman in 2006: "It makes us feel as if we are to blame, but it's him who is making the streets dangerous - not us."

Police told women "stay off the streets. If you are out alone at night, you are putting yourself in danger"
And now after lockdown - Belfast, October 2020
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