Did you know that Norway doesn’t do track & trace?
Surprising? Not really. It’s not necessary & 2min of thought explains why not. Indeed, even WHO never recommended this method of control once infection was endemic (everywhere), because it doesn’t work. It’s massively too slow...
... so much transmission from ‘cases’ has occurred before any quarantine begins. It’s also expensive & v disruptive. The main argument against it is this: it’s a self limiting infection. Observe EVERYWHERE which had intense infection. Gone. Literally everywhere. Only 25-30%...
...have been infected (idiots on SAGE say 7%). Death occurred in 0.06% of the population (U.K. and France & Itsly & Sweden all broadly similar). But THEN IT STOPPED & HAS NOT RETURNED. In precisely zero occasions has there been a large outbreak right on top of a previous one.
It’s obvious to clinical immunologists why this is. There is now in every one of those hard hit areas TOO FEW SUSCEPTIBLE people to sustain a growing outbreak. That is what herd immunity is & means. So a vulnerable 80yo in London might still catch it & perish. But the...
... genuine wonder of HI is that now THEY ARE V UNLIKELY TO ENCOUNTER the virus. Too few are susceptible. It fades & dies out.
That has occurred in most of U.K. & all of Sweden.
It’s politicians and spoilers who want you to believe otherwise.
You can pick your own guesses as...
... to their motives. I don’t know. I’m an experienced life scientist. I’ve exposed my views to dozens of clever people who I respect. No one has said “hold on, Mike, you’ve really got this bit wrong”. Happy to be so corrected. At any time. Mike.
Not a single challenge about the uk situation?
Ok, let’s assume broadly I’m correct unless someone points out the killer flaw in my argument, shall we?
You’ve all got until midnight.
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