I met a Karen at work yesterday and she wanted to know my full name and speak to my manager so she can report me to local authorities and my manager becauee I told her to wear her mask the right way (covering mouth AND nose) and her husband tried to tell me masks don't work 😂
So she went full apeshit because I was allegedly being "impolite" towards her (not the case, I always talk to customers the friendliest way I can). So, Karen checklist:
- breaks house rules with an insane patience
- goes full apeshit after being called out
- wants to know my full name
- wants to speak to my manager
- lies about what happened to justify her behaviour
- thinks she's smarter than the staff
I felt like one of the people in those viral videos arguing with Karens because I was patient af with her and I knew I was right. I was so calm and I think that destroyed her mood for the whole day so I won a fight against a wild Karen. I wish there was a video of it lmao.
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