I occasionally (but rarely) see posts about people saying tanking is still hard/confusing but
Sometimes I don't fully understand that
Like if its because of tank anxiety, then I completely understand, or if you've never tanked before in anything its definitely something to get used to, so I do understand it there but
I've also seen people say the tank rotations are hard/confusing and that's the one that I -
don't really get (outside of gunbreaker maybe, which is admittedly messy but that's why its fun).
Most tank rotations are a straight line, and pretty much every dps class has a harder rotation
This probably sounds really toxic but its something I'm genuinely curious about
I don't much understand how people who play the other roles would find tank /rotation/ hard
Its very few people I've seen say it, but i have seen it
Ill probably delete this thread in a bit cause I don't want to be toxic but its been on my mind
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