There is an unpleasant core of people who are very upset and angry at the idea of autistic people self identifying and self advocating. These people spend their time on twitter attacking #autistic people pretty much constantly. /1
These people are often, though not exclusively, parents of children who are both autistic and have non-specified learning disabilities. They use their experience of their child to dismiss and insult the experience of other autistic people. /2
Often they use sarcasm as a mode of mockery, and love to imply that we autistic people who are trying to advocate are 'fake autistic' who are just looking for attention. /3
They are very frequently supported by advocates of ABA - the behaviour modifying teaching style that basically forces autistic kids to mask for fear of reprisal. Both groups are no friend to autistic people. /4
They are shameless in their relentless attacks and behave as trolls more often than not. I'd say every autistic person in this site has probably been told they're 'faking it' by these monsters. /5
They are adamant that autism is not what we think it is, that it's something only they can truly describe, despite usually not being autistic themselves. They make twitter a dangerous, unpleasant place. /6
Our only recourse is to block and report. There is *zero point* in engaging with them as they are not arguing in good faith. They *will* insult you and then share your anger as evidence you're lying. Block, block, block. /7
As you've no doubt seen from my screen grabs, the attitude displayed by these disgusting people is utterly vile, and they delight in diminishing our lived experience and denying our identity. /end
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