More small everyday decisions to minimize #SARSCoV2 #COVID19 risks - meeting friends: walk/hike instead of café - in the city: take-away coffee & cake in the park instead of café, visit friends at home only when good weather & stay on terrace/balcony 1/n
Instead of restaurant in the evening rather go out for lunch & ask for a seat outside, in the evening rather take-away at home, if with friends, only small group (e.g. only 1 other household), keep it quiet in the room, keep your distance, open windows frequently 2/n
Restrict family visits to one "core" family, do not make multiple visits of several families/friends (= households) in a short time, consider beforehand: Who has a particularly high risk in my environment & needs special protection? - again: better to meet outdoors! 3/n
Instead of the gym: running or cycling outside, alone with a small (fixed) group, yoga at home or in a small (fixed) group Prepare for outdoor activities in bad weather: Warm weatherproof clothes and shoes, better out in the nature than in the city. 4/n
Avoid rush hours in the city, as well as full pedestrian zones (here, a mask might be useful outdoors), full shops and supermarkets - (pre-)order your shopping or, if possible, do it during the week. Instead of a full bus/train, rather bike or walk if you can. 5/n
Take the symptoms of the disease seriously: Sore throat, fever, cough, loss of taste/odour, headaches, common cold, but also diarrhoea, aching limbs, severe fatigue can be COVID19 symptoms. Cancellate scheduled meetings, isolate & get tested as soon as possible. 6/n
Also ask friends, family members & work colleagues to take symptoms seriously, talk with them. Before a meeting, point out that you take #COVID19 seriously & would like to keep certain measures (I feel the opposite person is often happy too if you actively address this!) 7/n
In the case of unavoidable meetings/activities (e.g. business lunches, important family celebrations), ask in advance whether protective measures are possible & suggest alternatives or modification of the meeting if necessary. Don't feel guilty if you cancel out of caution 8/n
These are a few behaviours, most of which I am personally considering at the moment to get through this difficult autumn/winter. Not everything is possible in every situation, for everyone, at any time & no, it is also not how I want to live my life in the long-term 9/n
But I think that during this winter we can find an acceptable balance between responsibility & quality of life, which should be acceptable for most people. There is no reason to panic, but at the moment there is no reason to sound the all-clear or play down the situation. 10/n
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