I think "planeswalkers sparks mostly ignite through trauma" is one of the most wack parts of MTG's lore.

It's why I've really come to love how Samut got her spark, not during a fight or a near-death experience, but because she was just SO FKN STOKED that Hazoret bigged her up. https://twitter.com/BJeleren/status/1316135578803466243
The Kenriths: "Our sparks ignited when we learned our parents had lied to us our whole lives."

Daretti: "My spark ignited in a lab accident that destroyed my legs."

Samut: "My God told me 'ya did good, kid' and I freaked out so hard I teleported to Ravnica."
Just generally I'm a bit tired of the "true power unleashed through trauma" trope in fantasy and comics. It'd be cool if it gets deconstructed whenever we see Kasmina as a main figure in a narrative.
Also where the fuck are y'all getting this DOPE ASS Aminatou "I have forseen that I will be a planeswalker, so I'm just gonna get that over and done with now" lore?? That's tight as FUCK.
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