This fucking hurts my heart. Seeing someone in the siege community, someone I used to look up to like godlynoob be so transphobic is really sad. I dont understand why this guy still has a platform. The fact that he can spew hate and people just dont seem to care is so sad. 1/2
Im all for having diff opinions but when u attack a specfic group of people so much it just becomes hate. Most ppl dont understand what being trans is and dont understand the struggle behind it. The fact that nobody cares about this blatant transphobia hurts my heart. Spread love
Its also very sad that people agree with him. Ive been sent death threats bc im trans. Please think before you say stuff @TheGodlyNoob, you really have no idea what its like being hated for something you cant control at such a young age.
I have never had noob blocked because I always wanted to inform people when he would tweet something transphobic but ive had enough. He's just a disgusting person that is unwilling to learn. Please always choose love, learn how stuff affects people and be a better person
Sorry I ranted a little, was gonna be only 2 tweets whoops. Again, learn to love people for who they are. It is very scary coming out as trans and it doesnt help that people like noob already dislike me just bc im trans. I hope everyone has a goodnight, I love all of you <3
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