I’m a huge @kanyewest fan. I’ve flip flopped on how to support him. Mostly I wasn’t sure if he was serious, and I know people are going to be outraged (oh no)!! But I literally can’t vote for Biden or Trump. Hear me out...
My vote doesn’t count in California no matter what. This state will belong to Biden. I like the Libertarian candidate but she’s not going to break through. We never do. Kanye has a weird Perot thing that might happen. Who knows.
I do know our country has a mental health issue. Maybe someone who actually knows what that is like can be uniquely equipped to help address that. Regardless, I like his unique spirit. He would need a team, but he knows how to reimagine systems and things.
Also I hate being told what to do. I hate people telling me I’m not “moral” for not choosing their team. I hate people telling me how I have to think. I hate people telling him how to think.
He’s expressing his *American* right that _anyone_ can run for president. If only more people had vision and were brave enough to try. And don’t tell me a vote for him is a vote for Trump. A vote for him is a vote for Kanye. So #kanye2020. I’m writing him in.
I hope he does well and that it inspires a new crop of leaders to try in 2024, or maybe he’ll win or try again. I dunno, but I’m all about his spirit.
And guess what? If you don’t like it, cry in your beer. I wasn’t go to vote for Biden or Trump anyway. It would’ve been Jo or Kanye or no vote at all. In my opinion, if you think this is crazy, I think backing Biden as a solution for our ills is just as crazy.
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