Hey! Who wants to watch humans go into space? https://twitter.com/Space_Station/status/1316239037250760704
Kate Rubin was just talking about their mission patch. One of the things that I think is really cool is that the astronauts get to design their own patches.
Quick shoutout to the Russian translator who is translating everything in real time. I'm always stunned by her ability to track and translate tons of jargon.
That's very exciting that they are talking about having 7 people as the new normal for staffing the space station, but with additional members during handover.
I'm also always fascinated by the fact that they suit up in what look like just regular hotel chairs.

You'd think it would be some super-fancy thing, but no. It's a bog-standard hotel chair.
AH! Now they are showing them in the couch. That's to help make sure there aren't any surprises caused by posture.

BUT also, please look at the nearly fetal position that they're sitting in. Remember that they have to be like that for hours when they are on top of the rocket.
Just in case you missed this, it's Kate Rubin's birthday today.

This is the perfect day to say "Light that candle!"
As they're walking, you'll note that they are slightly hunched. This is because the Sokul launch suit is designed to be comfortable when seated in the fetal position. It's not built for walking.
Look. We're looking inside the Soyuz now.

TWO HOURS in that position wearing that suit. A smaller astronaut has a significant advantage here.

I've been told that your main thought after "I'm in space!" is "I have GOT to straighten my legs."
When they say that the Soyuz has customized seats, they mean that. They make cast of the astronaut and mold a launch couch to that.

They are sometimes less comfortable for the ride down, because your body often changes size in space.
The crew usually gets to pick the music that plays in the capsule while they are waiting to launch. I say that, sometimes it's chosen by their CapCom.
They just said that their zero-gravity indicator was a small knitted cosmonaut.

I think... I think that's crocheted.

It's adorable either way.
For those who watched the SpaceX test launch, with their nifty tablets, it's not clear how many checklists they still have to do waiting for launch.

The giant wads of paper that the procedures for the Soyuz are written on give you a nice visual indicator about the prep work.
I do love the fact that the launch key isn't a metaphor but a real, actual key
I wonder if they have to get ASCAP permissions to broadcast the astronaut's music selection over the NASA feed.
Helmets closing! We're getting close. 4 minutes to go.
[Insert rocketry inuendo about pressurization here]
Less than a minute to go. Internal power.
Here we're at the point where I just watch.
I wish I could explain to you how white-hot bright that flame is. It's like watching the sun push people into space.
Boosters and tower away!

Everything is nominal.

It only takes about eight minutes to reach orbit.
Third stage cut-off! Now the solar array has unfurled.
If anyone is watching a certain show, I'll note that if a spacecraft needs two solar panels to operate, they'll send four.

Also, using a pickax on a spacewalk to repair said solar panel is... questionable. A pickax? Seriously?
Meanwhile! These highly trained humans are continuing on their ride into space.

It's pretty cool, right? Sometime in the next ninety minutes, there will be people in space above you. Depending on time of day, and where you are, you might be able to see the ISS.
It always makes me nervous when they can't hear the capsule, even though I know that some loss of signal is to be expected.
They're in space!

They can take off their seatbelts now. The restroom sign never turned off, because they can always go in their suits.
Thanks for joining me in watching humans go into space. I'm probably not going make it to docking, but if your timezone allows it, they should be there 4:52 am. Eastern today.

It's like watching the world's slowest video game.
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