Just going to throw out some useless tweets.
The Staples logo is garbage, and I mean hot trash.
I don't really give a shit about the hot dogs-to-hot dog bun ratio, that's whiny and you need to reevaluate your life.
Margarine is bad, but it's also a perfectly-good butter alternative if you can't have/don't like butter.
7-11 should have kept its hours from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m., and that's a fact.
It's amazing how many PhDs I've run into who secretly hope alchemy can be a real thing.
Anyone can be a graphic designer, if they want.
I'm glad I never took Dr. Phil seriously.
Edmonton is not an arts city and I wish it would accept that if it wants to change that.
Mazda became what Volkswagen wished it would have been and now there's no way back.
I eat my hot dogs with no condiments because I get a kick out of tasting the pure nitrates.
Skateboards are an example of someone coming up with a good technology that no one knows how to use.
Whoever hired Don Cherry the first time as a coach was probably high, a bigot, or both. Either way, a mistake.
Sports would be way more entertaining if the violence was removed except for rugby. Rugby tackles are the only types of physical contact that make sense in sports and are surprisingly executed properly most of the time.
There's probably only like 5 people in the world who should have ever touched money and they died long ago.
I would never have imagined the original Castlevania game would become an anime, and that's probably a good thing.
One of our biggest hangups is our tie to celebrity culture and I wish we were collectively far more critical of that.
How did evolution decide that we'd really need fingernails?
Even though I never took any of these kinds of classes in high school, it's amazing how much my adult life is basically home economics and shop class and we should really get kids to be exposed to both as essential learning.
There might be good reasons why someone doesn't have a second language, but I can't emphasize enough that second languages are incredible and come up in life in wholesome ways.
If we can come up with reclaiming energy from vehicle breaks, why haven't we come up with ways to reclaim energy from our joints cracking?
(This is an "I'm old" tweet).
When figure out how to upload our consciousnesses to a digital ocean, I hope no one pees in the water.
The idea of flying cars is extremely terrible and I wish we would stop making that a picture of an "ideal future." It's so laughable to think we wouldn't just keep crashing into buildings like all the time.
I will get roughly 7 unfollows for this thread by the time I wake up.
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