1. My colleague Steven Teles isn't on Twitter, so I can say behind his back that he's kind of intimidating; he's a warm and fuzzy guy personally, but if you want to challenge him on political or theoretical grounds, you'd better come loaded for bear https://politicalscience.jhu.edu/directory/steven-teles/
4. Moyn didn't even try to address the Teles/Saldin argument that NT'ers have influence because they provide policy expertise & staff key posts in GOP administrations; run campaigns; and provide ideas and guard the intellectual boundaries of conservatism https://www.amazon.com/dp/B085YDTP76/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1
5. Nonetheless, to Moyn's credit he invited Steve on to his podcast (which he shares with @NiskanenCenter fellow @ProfSchleich) to discuss the role of Never Trumpers in politics since 2016 https://www.diggingaholepodcast.com 
6. After much Telesian theoretical bulldozing, Moyn makes the more strategically defensible argument that Never Trumpers played a key role (with some Dems) in (39:00) establishing the bounds of policy credibility in the Trump years...
7. ...partly because (40:07) many (esp. in journalism) were given promotions -- Commentary to Washington Post, Wall Street Journal to New York Times -- that gave them greater opinion-making power... https://www.nytimes.com/by/bret-stephens
16. Moyn seems mystified by the concept that "the enemy of my enemy is my friend"; but Teles hopes NT influence will go beyond abhorrence of Trump to a recognition of the problems of our political economy that created an unsatisfied coalition for Trump https://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/22/opinion/sunday/who-turned-my-blue-state-red.html
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