A thread! đź”®
Well the last mercury retrograde of the year is finally here! And if it hasn't already completely smacked you in the face or turned your life upside down it probably will sometime over the next two weeks.
The pre-shadow period was already intense enough as we got a taste of how much we've been in denial about certain aspects that Mercury is bringing up at the moment.
This could've been different ideals, morals, our own mental state, the situation you're in or even the goals you're working towards, but either way that realisation came in like a nuclear bomb.
These next two weeks might be a bit tough, with the energies continuing on into the post shadow too, you'll probably feel like you're trudging through mud trying to get to where it is you want to be, or back in the happiness that you were taking for granted previously.
I'm seeing when you're a kid and you're drowning in a ball pit and its really hard to move so you start to stress and freak out.
Try not to freak out though, it'll just make things worse and as much as every little thing is triggering right now you'll realise how much a lot of it was in your head and was just forcing you to heal and process.
I'm seeing us all walk around in a dark halloween 'haunted house' maze. Monsters and demons and zombies from our past are jumping out, we can hardly see where we're going but we just have to get through the warehouse and to the end to make it out!
It can be scary, and it can feel so real in the moment... but once we come out of these retrograde energies its like stepping OUT of that haunted house and you realise it was all just some dumb illusion the whole time!
Haunted houses are only scary when you're in them, and once you're out you're at a carnival or a theme park in broad daylight just like you were before you stepped in to this mess! It's just the contrast between the two that really created a tower moment for all of us.
Trust that you're going to get a lot of ideas through this time and as you reevaluate the position you're in and how you go about things...
it'll probably feel like you're coming out of this transit as a completely new person with new boundaries and a fresh perspective on everything around you, including yourself/goals.
Be kind to yourself as you delve into the underworld of your mind, and don't be scared by what pops out at you.
I'm seeing that scene in Harry Potter with the Devil's Snare. The more you try to keep calm, relax and trust in the process, the easier things will seem to be. But if you stress yourself out over every little thing, this might be a hard transit to swallow.
It's more about taking the time to yourself and restablishing those coping mechanisms you built up over the past couple of years when you're plagued with issues of emotions, insecurities, fear etc.
Especially since we kind of forgot about them recently with everything going on and didn't really expect we'd be back in a spot like this any time soon. But we are, and there's not much we can do about it.
So get back in touch with those coping mechanisms, let yourself feel what you need to feel but don't lose yourself to it.
All of these are things you've already processed before so trust you know what you're doing and try to detach from the haunted house around you to get you through.
The light is inside yourself at the moment, so that's probably where you'll want to be taking refuge in during this time. Don't push yourself to communicate where you don't want to and trust that everything will still be there waiting when you're ready and the universe is ready.
“Your clothes are soaked and you don't know where to go

So drop your chin and take yourself back home

And roll out your maps and papers
Find out your hiding places again...
The only problem that I got with the club

Is how you're severed from the people who watched you grow up

When you're a member go on your great adventure again

They will be waiting at the end.”
So trust that this is just a phase, no matter how much it felt like your world around you has come crumbling down in a sense, and try to lean on the idea that you know everything will feel normal again eventually.
As shitty as this all feels right now, it will make sense after we're out of it, just like the devil's snare scene. Love yourself the most right now and trust that this will pass. Remember, try not to stress! It'll make walking down struggle street a lot easier.
I'm seeing someone walk down a dark road alone, and you keep thinking you see people or feel like someone is following you but every time you look it turns out to just be a tree or a light post or shadow or something harmless.
Don't give into the illusions of those shadows and what you're seeing in the dark... there's nothing there, but they'll still frighten you until you realise what it is.
WHEW the Scorpio energy came out in this one
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