Let’s face it... Tory Lanez could have breathed on the mic and some of y’all would have believed him
It’s human psychology. In order to process traumatic events that happen to other people our ancient brain looks for reasons why it was somehow a consequence in effort to separate you from the victim
This basic psychology to create separation between you and the victim or perpetrator of something vile makes you briefly feel “safe.” As though, “that could never happen to me because I make better choices.”

Though this is a delusion
Psychologist Melvin Lerner conducted a study establishing the “Just-World Hypothesis.” Meaning, our brains want desperately to believe that the world is “a fair place.” When honestly, it isn’t
The “Just-World Hypothesis” is the brain’s way of trying to avoid negative emotions by believing the world is “fair”

This is why it’s hard for some to believe the evils that truly exist
It’s frankly easier to mentally believe that a victim is morally responsible for the evil brought onto them. Because then, it is no longer violence or violation...
it’s “justice” or it’s “fair.”

This could not be farther from the truth
The brain’s need to feel like the world is a fair place is why:
Some people don’t believe you can be killed simply for your skin color or sexuality. Slavery wasn’t racial because “everyone had slaves.” That wouldn’t have happened if they didn’t wear that.

These are delusions
Once you step out of your survival mode self preserving mindset and into one of deep empathy you realize... shit happens and sometimes for lack luster reasons. I can be on either side of this story. There are people who look like me capable of doing harm or good.
This is why I look at people who victim blame and I feel sorry for them honestly. By saying, “That could never be me,” or “it had to be their fault.” You lose the opportunity to REALLY protect yourself... by listening and learning
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