The Scotus decision today on the Census is a very big deal. It means two things: 1) The Trump admin can rush the count, which probably means undercounting immigrants, young people & poor people.
2) Scotus also let the Trump admin rush through the Census results in an attempt to change the basis of reapportionment. They want to redraw congressional districts, based on the likely flawed count, while ALSO leaving out undocumented immigrants entirely.
This would be a first in US history. We have ALWAYS counted everyone who lives in the country and ALWAYS included everyone in the reapportionment totals.
It's not clear if there's a means for the next Congress to address this. Michael writes:
In the 1920s, Congress refused to reapportion because they didn't like the Census results. (That time, for a bad reason -- too many people had moved to cities.) Could we be headed for that kind of breakdown again? What will Scotus do if this question comes back to them?
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