Nebraska media (and really all media in the US) have become so desensitized to how completely batty the Republican Party has become.

"Oh. The @NEGOP is telling me that so and so running for the Leg is a dangerous criminal pedophile!? Yea! That seems totally normal!" đź‘Ť
How is this normal? There are plenty of LEGITIMATE concerns to have about the Democratic Party but good God we don't do what the @NEGOP does. Look at the tactics used against Tim Royers, Jen Day, Carol Blood, Janet Palmtag. Does anyone else recognize how NOT NORMAL this stuff is?
The media (and all of us really) LOVE equivalence, but there are simply some things and ideas that AREN'T equivalent. Climate change denial is undeserving of the same attention REAL science receives. An anti-gay zealot is undeserving of equal time to an LBBTQ activist.
The Nebraska Democratic Party is simply not doing what the Nebraska Republican Party is. Period. We all see it and know it.
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