Living with ADHD a thread:

People think that ADHD is just a whatever thing, that it's really not a big deal and people with it can just "handle it" or "control it"

god, could that be further from the truth.

Having ADHD makes simple tasks in life so much harder.

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It makes things like school work is much to focus on and get done. It's not that we're lazy or don't want to do it. It's just so much harder for us to sit down and only focus on the school work instead of hyper-focusing on every little event that goes on around you.

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every little beep, buzz, bird chirp, car engine and basically anything else is a huge distraction. I wish I could sit down and only focus on work, I really do. Having ADHD makes that simple 1 page essay seem like it's a 10000 page essay. it's not fun

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Social: For people with ADHD, social cues are a lot harder to pick up on. That being stacked on top of a hyperactive disorder is NOT fun for us. Trust me, we don't want to annoy you, we don't enjoy doing it. We aren't "weird we just don't get cues as easily as others

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Rambling is a big thing for me as well as other people with ADHD that I know. We might go on and on about a certain topic (again not getting social cues that you aren't interested) and will KEEP talking about said thing until we move on to another topic -

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- which we will do the same thing with. Like, we could be just drinking a drink and then we will proceed to give you the entire history of the drink then move on to idk, a video game explaining that lol. It's something we can not help.

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one thing I hear most is that we can control it. No we can not, if we could then we would??? It's not fun annoying people, it's not fun not being able to work on things, it's not fun blanking out at restaurants -

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because you sat there and thought too long about how they construct each burger with what toppings and how much value the burger has compared to others. SO please. don't get mad or short-tempered at people with ADHD or try not to. It's way harder for us to live with it, trust me.
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