On stan culture, parasocial relationships and being a decent human: an *apparently* necessary thread
First of all, let’s get one thing straight- commenting on ANYONE’S body is inappropriate unless they give you express permission to do so. This is amplified so, so much when it’s someone you don’t even know in real life.
Celebrities / public figures exist in this odd limbo where we FEEL like we have a personal relationship with them to a point. And that’s lovely! But it’s really easy for people to overstep those boundaries
Celebrities aren’t your friends... this means that you are NOT on the level where you get to comment about their looks, be extremely rude to them, or anything else. Being a fan of them doesn’t make that different!
As well, you are not owed their time or attention. Living your life in the public sphere must be absolutely exhausting, especially when you have all this nonsense spewed at you 24/7.
The internet distorts our view of relationships of all kinds. Don’t get me wrong, I am literally on social media all the time and I love it, but you’ve got to admit that it messes up some people’s senses of boundaries or even just human kindness.
You DON’T know Liz personally- I mean maybe you do but if you’re reading this thread I doubt it? and that applies to all the celebrities you stan, AND people you interact with online! Think about how that conversation would be different face to face
Bro, I have autism- social interaction is a giant mess for me. I get that boundaries are weird. But we should all be doing our best to learn boundaries and kindness and patience, ESPECIALLY towards public figures / celebrities whom we admire! It’s the least we can do!
(This doesn’t mean we can’t call people out. I think that’s important too because celebrities shouldn’t be on pedestals. But this thread isn’t about that.h
Anyways, you are not entitled to
• nasty opinions on someone’s body
• personal information on celebrities
• making rude comments
• ANYTHING ELSE that you wouldn’t get from another parasocial relationship
Liz- I’ll speak directly to her for a moment because idk- fandoms and teenagers can be a mess, and a whole lot of us are very sorry about people making harmful assumptions and generally being assholes. You’re under a lot of pressure and we appreciate you! Always!
Alright, I think that’s it. Be kind, not only to celebrities but everyone you interact with. It goes a long way!
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