1. 9/12/16 Congressional record cites Comey’s ties to CF, millions received frm Lockheed Martin (member of Clinton Global Initiative), & brother, Peter - never ?'ed about during his confirmation hearing. https://www.congress.gov/crec/2016/09/12/CREC-2016-09-12-pt1-PgH5326.pdf #Q https://www.clintonfoundation.org/clinton-global-initiative/commitments/firm-commitment-legal-education-east-africa

2. Is this why they're normalizing pedo? "Ghislaine Maxwell was arrested on 7/2/20 [for] sexual abuse of .. girls by .. Epstein." This was 103 days ago. This "maxwellhill" Reddit account, last posted 105 days ago, 8th highest karma. 1 yr out trial to monitor Maxwell's peeps.
4. Panic much?

House Res 1154 - "Condemning #QAnon and rejecting the conspiracy theories it promotes" was introduced on 25 September 2020 by Mr. Malinowski (for himself, Mr. Riggleman, Mr. Gottheimer, Mr. Kinzinger, Mrs. Luria, and Mr. Fitzpatrick).

5. Surely it's a coincidence Kamala's husband works at same org that did Clinton Foundation taxes where Comey’s brother worked - now "taking a temporary leave".


6. Young Man Dances Tonight Days after Being Hospitalized the COVID-19 China Virus.
7. After using family members to mask sales to foreign entities of US assets, access, in exchange for large donations to the Clinton Foundation, donations precipitously dropped after no longer in gov to sell it out. https://www.clintonfoundation.org/sites/default/files/clinton_foundation_report_public_2018.pdf
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