what if sonny didn’t realize they were in love with rafael until after the events of undiscovered country? maybe sonny thought that what they felt for rafael was the same way they felt about all of their friends. +
they probably didn’t think those feelings were anything but admiration for rafael and how ballsy he is. so when they start missing rafael more than they missed any of their friends they “left” back in staten island they start to put the pieces together. +
they’re in love with rafael barba, the ada with one of the biggest egos in manhattan. the ada with the huge ego that also has the biggest amount of empathy sonny has ever seen in someone. +
sonny starts thinking about all the looks rafael would send them and all the looks they sent back, all the small touches, and smiles. it all clicks for sonny. they start to think they need to tell rafael before he’s gone for god only knows how long. +
maybe sonny invites rafael for drinks so they can tell him how they feel. rafael definitely doesn’t expect for sonny to confess their love to him but to say he didn’t welcome it would be a lie. +
sonny is shocked at first that rafael feels the same, but then sonny remembers the stolen glances and small smiles rafael would send their way.
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