Even if you 100% stan Church teaching on LGBT issues, I seriously don’t get the conservative fixation on it.

Why is the rest of Catholic social teaching a benign afterthought BUT those gays and their agenda is The Big Problem?

Why is it *never* the other way around?

If you’re like that with abortion then at least that makes *sense:* babies are being murdered, so all other issues are less important. Fine. That’s at least coherent.

But LGBT people?? That’s *seriously* more important than poverty and corruption and oppression??
Can somebody help me with this?


Because this shit makes absolutely zero sense to me.
This thread brought to you by me sharing that silly ass Gay Oreos thread on Facebook, and seeing friends go apeshit about the gay agenda despite my repeated pleas to just *please* stop for 5 minutes and just appreciate a joke

I’m just fucking tired.
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