Portfolio day advice:
-use examples of art for the job you actually want
-DON’T use examples of art for jobs you don’t want
-keep it short so your best stuff isn’t overlooked
-take out anything you feel like you need to “apologize” for
-put your VERY best stuff first and last
To expand on that;
1) if you want a sequential art job, show sequential art, if you want a bg job show bgs, people can’t judge you on your boarding abilities from static character rotations, sell yourself for the position you want
2) if you, say, have a really nice BG and you put it in your portfolio to show off your Skills of an Artist but you actually hate drawing bgs, you’re advertising that you can draw nice bgs and might start getting offers for BG jobs. Don’t use it if you don’t want that to happen.
3) If a person has to look at 150 portfolios in a day, the more pages a portfolio has the less likely they’ll pay attention to every piece. I’ve seen people hand out sketchbooks they print for cons as portfolios, they always get completely skimmed. Keep it concise
4) If you imagine yourself sitting at a table in a job interview with a particular piece of art on the table in front of you and your instinct is to say “I’m sorry, it’s not very good” don’t put that in your portfolio
5) you’re already only using your favourite stuff, but if you bookend with your MOST favourite stuff, you start in and go out with the best possible impression (also incentive to keep the portfolio short, so your awesome stuff at the end isn’t buried)
You can follow @Coelasquid.
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