Once again, the current GOP is an ultra-right, illiberal party that many international scholars see as having more in common with Poland's Law and Justice, Turkey's AKP, or even Greece's Golden Dawn than they do the mainstream ruling parties of most Western liberal democracies. https://twitter.com/brianschatz/status/1316143405605421057
I understand how this sounds. But we've been conditioned by years of both sidesism and the GOP's working of the refs to think it's unfair to call out the excesses of the American right, even as they've spent the same time calling anything to their left "extreme" or "radical."
Normal, responsible, non-extreme parties do not run candidates like these (certainly not at the national level): https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2020/8/19/21375159/laura-loomer-congress-republican-florida-trump-explainer
Another example in “the GOP is not a normal party.” https://twitter.com/ossoff/status/1317231042089111552
An even more damning and horrifying piece of evidence in “the GOP is not a normal party.”

I’ve referenced the QAnon believer running for the House from GA in this thread, but the openness to embracing Q within the party laid out in this piece is disgustingly irresponsible. https://twitter.com/alkapdc/status/1317198971123662850
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