TUESDAY #COVID19Colorado data update

Headline: "Can't sugarcoat this. The time to start paying attention to the numbers is now"


Today: 290 (+2 from yesterday)
Last week: 246

(is rate of growth slowing? At least for one day? Yes)

(as will be customary on COVID updates... if I follow u, you can comment... DM me for a follow request)

(sorry... it's necessary right now)
Ideally, this would be the start of a turn to slower increase...

but you know what I say about one-day's-worth of data... it's not terribly insightful

but, at least for now, we can hope.

(here's where the news isn't great)

I'll start with 3-day average (I have been using 7 day as of late... but this shows sharp increase)

Note last few days

Today: 5.40%
Now let's look at 7 day average

Today... 4.38%

At this rate, we'll be over 5% in the next few days.

(7 day average is smoother because more data)

Here's where there is a very noticeable trend...

Red arrows = trend lines of cases (note last arrow)
Maroon line = April peak

(Basically, we've sailed past April's numbers in last few days... and yes... I know... cases aren't always a great metric)

Metro area feeling this most acutely right now...

(Mesa is high right now... that could threaten variance)
Look at this (EPI CURVE)

Only one area (Boulder!) is in sustained decline... (what did Boulder do 2 weeks ago? CU student know)
Bottom line...

Yeah... I wish I had better news today... And yeah... I know... it's a little worrisome.


Look at it as a reminder. This ain't over. You can play a role here.

Wear a mask. Limit interactions. And pay attention to these numbers!
If this doesn't change... I can guarantee you health depts will start considering things I know you WILL NOT like.

(Reminder... I'm not the one making these decisions)

So let's, if just for a moment, take a deep breath... realize the numbers still remain manageable.
and let's hope for a shift... soon...

As always... take care...

Look out for vulnerable people.

And watch the data


You can follow @chrisvanderveen.
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