1/ Over the past 3+ years I've consciously tried to carve a path without creating another job for myself that I hated.

I've seen many self-employed accidentally create a job and life for themselves which they wanted to escape.

I call these "hustle traps" https://think-boundless.com/hustle-traps/ 
2/ Let's define it:

Hustle Trap (noun): A mental model built on legacy ideas of how one should work and live that leads to burnout, anxiety or the sense of being trapped. Often obvious in retrospect.

He works M-F, 9-5 even though he works for himself...looks like a hustle trap!
3/ Trap #1 The dopamine bomb of internet fame

You're working on random stuff and then boom you get thousands of likes, views upvotes or retweets.

Now you try to doing the same thing to get the same result yet you don't even enjoy creating that thing
4/ Trap #1 The dopamine bomb of internet fame, cont'd

This tweet on a random survey earned me a little attention in right-wing twitter. That was not a culture war I wanted to fight! https://twitter.com/p_millerd/status/1118071142311288838?lang=es
5/ Trap #2 Copying the tactics of a guru who isn’t you

The proliferation of how-to guides, walkthroughs, & productivity hacks is a GREAT thing.

However, the tactics are not the whole story. They have unique psychology, insecurities and skills which you likely don't have.
6/ Trap #3 The productivity / streak trap

Coming up with a routine of creation can be great when starting, but a streak going for the sake of keeping a streak going.

Take a week off and ponder what you're really up to.
7/ Trap #3, The productivity / streak trap

Many productivity hacks (ahem note-taking nerds) distract us from more ambitious projects or hard questions

From @anthilemoon: "We are scared of idleness because stopping would mean having to really consider what we want out of life"
8/ Trap #4 The desire to prove yourself, especially to your parents

Here's the bad news: The approval may never come. Don't morph your creations, work or path to fit expectations...you'll be a better person if you craft the work and life you want. It's up to others to see that.
9/ Trap #5 Chasing “audience” over people you actually want to engage with

Don't let the algorithm dictate your success. Understand the algorithm, but decide which kind of people you want to engage with https://twitter.com/p_millerd/status/1286303872751992833?s=20
10/ Trap #6 Chasing status to calm your insecurities

Status games are hard to avoid. Almost every person wants to be seen and respected, but don't let that insecurity morph ALL your decisions.
11/ Trap #6 Chasing status to calm your insecurities

@khemaridh shares how he was almost tempted by this trap but eventually decided that becoming a startup founder wasn't what he was really seeking in leaving ibanking! https://overcast.fm/+NPb3je8mE 
12/ Trap #7 Not Changing Your Environment Or Making New Friends

Many people think the goal of self-employment is to become successful financially. You need money, but without shifting your environment or making a few new friends, you'll feel lost in a wage-based paycheck reality
14/ Trap #9 An income goal as the metric of success

If you to chase the salary you had before you quit, you'll start orienting yourself only towards what can be paid for and eventually you'll feel like a cog in a machine.

Eventually, youll need your own definition of success.
15/ Trap #10 “I am a x” identity trap

It's useful to tell others "I am a freelance consultant" and to believe it, but it has to be a playful attachment.

If you see yourself ONLY as X you'll be blind to the opportunities & surprises that self-employment offers in todays world
Undoubtedly, you'll fall in a few of the traps. So what do we do about it? Some approaches I've found:

1. Making other unconventional friends

2. Doing something a little slower than your insecurities are telling you

3. Taking extended breaks of non-work (2+ weeks) to reflect & contemplate

4. Designing experiments such that you can quit them once you get a sense for what it entails

5. Avoiding activities that rely heavily on algorithms

6. Lower cost of living through geo-arbitrage & lifestyle design to extend your runway

7. Mastering the "inner game" @artofgig
"a gigwork identity is an entire robot suit that allows you to express the real you" https://artofgig.substack.com/p/the-inner-game-of-gigwork
You can follow @p_millerd.
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