I went to a job fair last week. I met this really sweet young man who works 65+ hrs a week right now at two jobs. He was like, I just want a $15/hr job so I can chill sometimes, do hobbies and put beer in the fridge if I want without worrying if I'm gonna be able to pay my bills. https://twitter.com/nataliefoster/status/1316065862986604546
When we met, Jemarcus was rushing back to work, still wearing his uniform from the auto shop, a pair of worn work boots and a clunky respirator mask (not employer-issued, that's just how cautious he's being). He's clearly working himself ragged but he was so slow to complain.
Mississippi's unemployment rate is currently 8%, but labor statistics can only get us so far. They don't hold much room for people like Jemarcus, who is counted as employed but is still searching for a job with a wage that's livable for him. https://www.lisep.org/ 
The nation's labor force is so diverse — people's circumstances so unique — which is why it's so important we tell the stories of the workers navigating this increasingly inhospitable economy.
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