ok so yesterday i was in this call with a guy, and we've only talked like 1 or 2 times before all this happened, and some very interesting stuff happened.

and yes, this is me calling up my supportive fanbase to cancel him. this is the first, and hopefully last time i'll do this
before we dive into this, the guy's @ is @./ppvkkbsot. he is a straight cis jewish man so ye
ok so first things first, he asked me to join the call with him and he really wanted to hear my voice. i didn't talk bc i have selective mutism and it can be hard sometimes, but he kept pressuring me to do it. i ended up not talking that whole time, but he almost made me cry ngl
ok so the audio is pretty trash in this one, but basically i told him that i dont feel like a girl all the time, and he kept telling me that im not fit to be a man or smth like that.

and just an FYI, i never told him i was trans. idk where he got that from, but im not trans
he was questioning how i felt about my gender and stuff in this section

(btw, he does mention rape, blood, war, and nationalism in this video)
the next few videos he was talking about gender and stuff so yeaaaa
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