T.W In the whole thread Mention of suicide, sexual abuse & sexual harassment.

(1) To everyone who says "Always Believe The Victim":
Imagine person 'A' is accusing person 'B' of sexual abuse & harassment, who would you believe if A is someone with a new account and B a celebrity?
(2) Now I'll put you more into situation, A posted a thread explaining how B sexualy abused them, they also wrote that it was years ago & the place where it "happened".
People starts to believe A & creates a # trying to cancel B, also more allegations starts to appear & they're
(3) also believing them, all of it without proof & just going by the word of who said it, which is someone anonymous with a new account.
The allegations are now a month old & B hasn't spoke about it neither it's been on social media since that, because of it people starts to
(4) think that they're true & they start to call B a rapist, pedophile, etc. without knowing what's going on out of media.
B, who is probably told by a lawyer that it's better to stay silent, gets death threats & starts to get depressed & suicidal.
It happens to be that B lets
(5) that thoughts win & ends commiting suicide, but then when B's death is anunced, everyone that said that B sexualy abused them say that everything they said was false & just didn't like B but didn't think this will end like this 'cause they just wanted to follow the trending.
(6) The ones that created false allegations after A (and A), apart of invalidating true survivors of this type of things, are also ruining someone's career, life and/or mental health.

Now that you read this, who do you think is the real victim? Why?
(7) This is all a social experiment created because I was tired of seeing how a lot of singers, actors, etc. that I like were being cancelled because of a trending or just for fun (not saying that some of them weren't true).
I'm sure that I'm not the only one feeling that way.
(8) Do not believe the "victim" when it comes to internet if they don't have any proof, always stay neutral and give voice to the ones that are claiming they were touched or abused by someone even if that someone it's your idol, then do it more so that the truth is told.
(9) What I tried to make you realise with this is that if you hate someone (because of whatever) don't make something fake about them 'cause something like this could happen.
Also, it may seem that I exaggerated a bit on the suicide part, but there's been actual people who
(10) couldn't with the pressure of getting this type of comments & they ended dead.
So please, be careful with hate comments 'cause they can hurt more than they seem to.
You don't know how's that person mental stability at the moment & how could they handle all of that.
(11) Comment your thoughts about cancel culture and this thread.
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