Hey, look, another Supreme Court stay, changing the rules for an impending deadline (the Census, this time), overruling both a trial court and court of appeals, without any explanation why!

"Because I said so" is not law. 🤬

And this is particularly egregious b/c there's no mention of harm.

The gov't said (in court, repeatedly) that it was already too late - it already incurred all the harm it was going to incur.

And plaintiffs gave evidence that stopping the count now would be irreparably harmful.
Whatever the Court is doing, it's not clear it's even remotely related to its announced standard for issuing stays.
One more thing: as Congress considers various actions at the intersection of elections and SCOTUS, I’ll hope there’s legislation on the table curtailing the Court’s ability to impose equitable stays without opinions explaining the rationale.

It’s beyond time.
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