Do you have a vision?

Mr. Potato Money is not going mad... You need a vision if you want to be successful.

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A vision is something bigger than a goal. A vision represents your dreams.

A vision is what has not happened. A vision is what will happen if you do things right.

You need to find a sense of purpose.
What is your passion, what are your dreams made of?

Reflect on these with real efforts so you are able to create real results.

Having a vision means a long-term commitment towards a specific achievement.

Call it a vision, call it a long-term goal. It’s easier to reach a destination when you know which way to go.

The trick is to set a goal that seems unattainable in a short period of time. But that could be achievable in the long run.
Do you want to be a millionaire?

It might sound simple and unattainable.

However, if you invest wisely, spend smart and work hard, in 5 years time you could be one.

“Whatever Mr. Potato, if it was that easy everyone would be millionaire”
You are... right!

Devil is in the details.

If you make just above minimum wage and eat out almost every day out... You won’t be millionaire in 500 years!

Being specific with your vision will determine the steps to reach it.
You can “pretend” to be busy.

You can “pretend” that you are working really hard.

If you don’t have a long term goal, you don't have a target to aim for.

You are doing just for the sake of doing.

If you know the what and why, the how will follow.

Having the right vision is extremely important.

Being specific will help you to determine the steps to reach it.

Staying positive is your north star.
Don’t let fear guide your vision. Don’t let fear limit your results.

Embrace challenges and difficulties. Always keep in mind positive outcomes.

Be ambitious. Always. Dream big or go home.

Your vision should be so big, so extraordinary that it should inspire others.
A good vision requests high-standards, it forces you to do better for a long period of time.

So, what’s your vision?
You can follow @MrPotatoMoney.
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